Sunday 28 October 2012



This, believe it or not,  is my interpretation on the theme of WINGS!  I'm still in my Angi Sullins and Silas Tobell inspiration mode and I so wanted to create a fish ...... on a bicycle.  Yes, I know, I can't explain it either.

The question was where would the wings fit in?  The fish definitely looked silly wearing wings and anyway they still looked like fins how ever hard I tried.  Well the fish on a bicycle would not be denied and so I made it and in desperation added a blue bird (wings .... get it?) to his hat.  No sooner had I done that than the hat disappeared off the fish's head.  I think the blue bird did it!

Having gone through this odd creative process I still wasn't to be left alone.  'Feather in his cap' popped into my head and I seemed to remember there being a song.  Yankee Doodle came to town riding on a pony, he wore a feather in his cap and called it macaroni.   Yes, that's the one!

I know.  I know.  There's no hope for my sanity.

Thanks, Marie.

Credit to FinecraftedDesigns.

Thank you for looking.

(Also submitted at Digitalmania)


  1. Felicitaciones por tus obras, me encanta tu blog.

  2. Your sanity is safe Ann, be sure of that!
    And your muse is really on the top of her power!
    (Can you understand my bad english? I wonder sometimes...)
    I adooooore your talent and the way your mind works! Indeed!
    This image is as awesome and wonderful as usual my dear friend!
    I loooooove it! :)
    (Ta luv!)

  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way your mind works, it's creative. Loving the fish on a bike and so pleased you didn't give. The bird stealing the hat is a flash of brilliance, as is the feather in the cap.
    Great work, great piece, great imagination.

    thanks so much for sharing the process

  4. I think we should just be thankful that your mind works in the way it does!! This is a fabulous flight of fancy with a big dose of whimsy and dollops of your sense of humour. A standing O from me.

  5. Stop Ann your killing me you and your twisted psyche...this is so funny and so wonderful I can't help it I'm in love with your brain you crazy woman you!

  6. You have been wonderfully inspired by a great team but have inspired most by making this your "own" Ann- love this whimsy!

  7. I know your sanity is ok and I'm glad and thankful about your never ending fantasy and sense of humour always unique and inspiring.
    Hugs Anja

  8. hilarious I love the way your mind meanders . I always know I'll get a giggle out of your artwork

  9. Thanks Ann, I just spewed my coffee all over the computer monitor. I like your sanity. It's perfect, just like this piece.

  10. I think it is great....lots of creativity and totally unique. Love it.

  11. unbeatable, ann. it can´t get any better!!

  12. Thanks for sharing your thought process to this piece Ann. I'm still laughing. I just wish i had 'some of that!!
    Just wonderful as always! xx

  13. Makes perfect sense to me, Ann! Scary isn't it :) Fantastic as usual!

  14. Oh my, I seem to be speechless in the face of this crazy and wonderful whimsy!

  15. Wow....what an imagination....this is sooooooooooooooo cool ! Love every little detail !

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I love this for both of the challenges. So whimiscal and fun.

  18. It s fantastic, I would be happy to have your imagination.


Thank you.