Tuesday 17 July 2012


This week our theme is ALONE which initially made me think along the lines of highlighting a single person or object, or depicting solitude or isolation until I remembered the series of photos I had taken at the Yorkshire Sculpture last year.  A series of sitting figures, by Anish Kapoor, were dotted around the landscape, some sitting alone, others sitting in pairs, all much larger than life.  I chose a pair of sculptures and created a warm balmy evening for them somewhere around dusk just as the moon has risen where they can enjoy being alone.  :D

I think the first version, with the figures leading the viewer's eye into the picture, has the most satisfying composition.  But what do you think?

Thank you, Bev, for a thought provoking theme.

Credit to RubyBlossom and JoesSistah for the backgrounds (blended), whilst the sculptures are from one of my own photos.

Thanks for looking.


  1. I do like them both, but I favor the 2nd just a little!!!

  2. It's always wonderful to see personal photos used in digital art. I love the sculptures and the warm environment you have given them. Beautiful work, Ann.

  3. I think you use a lot of difficult words as well which I don't understand hihihi.
    BUT what i DO is enjoy BOTH images. So inspiring.. I just can't choose Ann .

  4. Well, the first one is a more effective composition. Your creation depicts my favorite interpretation of "alone": the two of us alone, finally alone...

  5. What fascinating sculptures, Ann, love what you have created with this one, yes I agree I like the first one best!
    Hope Trevor is keeping well.

  6. Awesome sculptures, Ann! First one is my fave!

  7. What a clever idea, Ann! I definitely agree with you that the first composition is the better one...it draws you in to a mysterious, lonely place. Super job!xx

  8. ....and thank YOU, Ann, for an original and creative interpretation of the challenge! They are truly alone together, and you've given them such a gorgeous scenario. Well done!

  9. I like the first one. It looks like they have escaped the world to be alone together. Fascinating figures!

  10. I love those sculptures and the background is fabulous. I prefer the second one as there is more space in it.

  11. I think they are both excellent, but in the second one, by moving the figures to the right, it gives them a little remoteness and aloofness (like they are not quite participating with the rest of the scene) to express aloneness. Well done!

  12. I like the second one because the black and white stairs/path, the figures and the moon are in more of a triangle, and my eyes travel throughout the picture plane easier than in the first one. I would move the couple a little more into one of the sweet spots of the rule of thirds, though, and away from the edge of the picture plane. Just my humble opinion....just thinking out loud as to what I would do to play around with the image. It is wonderful and thought provoking no matter how I look at it!


Thank you.