Tuesday 6 March 2012


Marie has chosen TWO as our theme this week at the Three Muses and that reminded me of the lovely breakfast I had this morning.  A boiled egg and soldiers .... TWO of them!  Yum.  Yum.

Thanks Marie for helping me realise that the term boiled egg and soldiers wouldn't be a universal one.  So may I explain, for those who didn't see Marie's explanation.  Here in the UK children eat a soft boiled egg with finger sized slices of either buttered bread or toast (soldiers) which they dip into their egg.

Truth is I never did grow up ...... and apologies if I offended anyone!

Credit to Irene Alexeeva and Kubivet.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Well, this is quite an original take on this week's theme! Hope you enjoyed those soldiers :).

  2. As one person having been brought up on boiled egg and soldiers I think it may be necessary to inform our (ahem) younger friends and perhaps friends from other countries that a "soldier" is actually a thin slice of toast used for dipping into the boiled egg. Sounds gross now. Then we have Taluula who usually blows us away by thinking outside the frame (way outside the frame) thinking LITERALLY and giving us real soldiers or actually plastic ones. Ann this is a delicious piece of whimsy and nostalgia at least for the boiled egg and soldiers brigade. Fantastic - and funny.

  3. Okay this one has really got me thinking hard- I love how you create with abandon Ann!

  4. I'm pleased you explained it LOL. Ah ,and Marie also !!
    And glad that you never grew up Haaaa.
    What a funny and original piece Ann . It made me laugh !

  5. Only you, only you, Ann, you've really thought outside the square with this one - sheer brilliance!!
    I have jam on toast soldiers every morning for breakfast but I stop at dipping them into an egg!!

  6. gostei de saber do motivo do soldado com ovo,
    bom que compartilhou!

  7. This is a uniquely beautiful piece of art but I was confused with the soldiers..thanks for explaining to this not too Brit Savvy Canadian...hugs,Gayle

  8. Well to think I was going to bed without learning something new, but now I can rest easy. Soldiers=bacon... who knew!? Hopefully I will not dream of eggs with legs or plastic soldiers.

  9. Thank heaven Marie explained the soldiers to those of us not privy to Brit slang. I sat and scratched my head for some time, had an attack of indigestion, and finally a sigh of relief when I learned what soldiers were!! Quirkier than usual, Ann (or maybe it just seemed so to those of us who didn't know what "soldiers" were!). Well done!

  10. Lovely Ann! Us Brits were brought up on boiled eggs and soldiers! Beautifully done. Youv are really the quirkiest!! xx

  11. This is fabulous! Whinsical and so droll! I love it.

  12. Toujours très imprévisibles vos collages Ann!
    Merci à Marie pour ses explications au sujet du soldat!
    Ici en France nous appellons la petite tranche de pain , une mouillette pour tremper dans l'oeuf !
    Votre image est très amusante ! Bravo
    Amicalement Mary.kg !

  13. lol, I LOVE this, Ann! When I boil eggs, I cut the toast into thin strips for dipping in the egg, we call them soldiers :)

  14. I don't think they know about toast soldiers here in USA. This is so well done, Ann! But, then, all your work is marvelous. I'm a big fan!

  15. thanks for explaining, i never heard of that... but your imagination is fantastically odd, you know i LOVE that!!

  16. Great and fun as usual, Ann. Thanks for adding the explanation, 'cause even is the dictionary I couldn't find this meaning for "soldier". Then I found out that there are also marmite soldier and vegemite soldier! (thanx to wikipedia)

  17. Ah the days of soft boiled egg and finger toast, still make finger toast. A very whimsy take on the theme, well done. Cheers

  18. I thought you must be feeding the troops! It has been a very long time since I've had a soft boiled egg. I could definitely eat one with toast right now.

  19. Bev and I will be over to stage an intervention "T" in the mean time try to maintain...
    This is just gut splitting Ann I'm going to be laughing into next week oh my gosh what a trip...fantastic!!!

  20. oh you naughty girl....eating soldiers...and a nude man on your blog heading...deary me...he heeee

  21. Sooooo cool!! Your art is always a surprise!



Thank you.