Sunday 8 January 2012


NATURE is our word for inspiration at Take A Word this week and that reminded me of last year's very harsh Winter.   I remember I had just happened to look out of the window as a tiny humming bird landed on my garden fence.  Now even I know humming birds are not found in the UK which meant  he must be lost, and worse still, starving hungry out there in the snow.  So I took a crisp, juicy apple and placed in the garden hoping it would keep him alive.  Well, the next morning sure enough that apple had been bitten, but oh such a large bite I thought, for such a tiny bird!  It was then I noticed the snowman who appeared to be watching that poor little  bird's every move, and that little humming bird was looking hungry and oh so sad!  Life can be cruel!

Credit to Ruby Blossom and Efie.

Thank you for looking.


  1. What fun, I love the story too!!!
    Like your mind!

  2. This is too cool and I adore the story...I love Hummingbirds they are amazing if you happen upon another one set out a bright colored dish of boiled sugar water they love it.

  3. I think you're smokin' that funny weed again, Ann.....but then we ALL benefit from your flights of fancy! Great art, great tale!

  4. Yes, the snowman certainly has a smug look on his face. I've heard of the cat that ate the cream but not the snowman that ate the apple! A great flight of fancy. Just imagine a tiny humming bird finding its way to Old Blighty. You are a card, Ann.

  5. Nature is cruel, but I love your work!

  6. What a sad story! I love your take on the theme Ann! Wonderful piece! xx

  7. Beautifully done, Ann! I can almost taste that apple :)

  8. coming to your blog always brings a surprise, and i love your stories and how you illustrate them!

  9. fabulous piece An!! great story too!

  10. When I read in your blog " that reminded me of" I know I'm going to have a good time. Love your stories and images. Poor bird...

  11. Ha, ha, Ann, like Christine, I know I'm going to enjoy your entry when it starts with "that reminded me" this is a classic act!

  12. Well, Ann, you drew me in like a fish on a line!!! I was believing the story about the lost hummingbird till I got to the part about the apple! This is a beautiful fantasy piece.

  13. What a sweet story~ Love the picture too...the colors are so crisp! :D

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  15. Love it!! Great story and wonbderful art!!!


Thank you.