Sunday 18 December 2011


Our word for inspiration at Take a Word this week is SEPIA, so I knew you would be interested in seeing this old strip of film I unearthed from my family history box the other day.  Yes, these strange creatures are part of my family and yes, I had forgotten just how eccentric some of them are. 

On the right is my great aunt Olive together with sister Cordelia.  Olive always was in a world of her own and it was left to Cordelia to try to keep her feet firmly on the ground.  On the left we have the triplets, who were always the  'giddy kippers' of the family, and who were my great aunts (by marriage), Lydia, Lucinda and Louise.  It has to be said these three never did a day's work in their lives, never learned to sew or embroider or paint or play the piano or sing, instead they spent their days drifting from room to room in the house or likewise in the gardens performing this most extraordinary of dances.

I suppose we all have some skeletons the closet!!

Credit to jinterwas for the film strip whilst the ladies are all courtesy of Dover.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Well, Ann, now the cat is out of the bag!
    I must say I love the floating triplets, but then I really do love the whole thing! Most original, like everything you do. Bravo!

  2. you used some of my favorite mother goose animals to make this pure delight!!!!!

  3. Well, now, there may be skeletons in my family closet, but I think nothing to compare!! Another original from you, my dear!

  4. Wild whimsical and wonderful Babe...the characters are charming and the history fantastic you didn't by chance receive some funny mushrooms for Christmas did you!!!

    I am totally enamored with your family skeletons please add this to my list.

  5. Hahaha, your work makes me laugh!! It's so nice!

  6. You have such imagination, this is fantastic. Bravo.

  7. Well, you leave me now with a question.
    Have you inherited somewhat from your great aunts ? :-)
    Thanks for the laughter Ann !! (when you read my comment at Judy you understand why i needed this so much)
    Wishing you too very cozy christmas days and enjoy each others love !
    Hugs my friend !!!!

  8. We all have 'skeletons in our cupboards' Ann, I'm still smiling & then I read 'giddy kippers' now I'm laughing, haven't heard that saying for years (kiwis wouldn't know what it means!!)
    Fantastic 'film strip!'

  9. What a least your family can dance! Awesome imagery. Love it. Merry Christmas. Hugs, Gayle.

  10. I love it Ann! You have such a wonderful imagination! xx

  11. waaaah! one day i come along to look over your shoulder when you create!! so cooooool!

  12. Quelle imagination ! j'aime beaucoup ! Amicalement

  13. lol, isn't it wonderful to have such wonderful family pics, Ann!

    Happy Holidays to you and yours :)

  14. Wonderfully whimsical and quite delightfully twisted Ann! You are so very clever and I look forward to playing in Art Bandits and Digitalmania next year! Brilliantly wicked artwork!
    Happy Holiday time to you my friend!

  15. Krkrkrkr! Tooooo funny Ann! I love it!
    Well, I can understand you very much better when I see your wonderful familly!

  16. You are truly a master of the absurdly whimsical...I sbsolutely love this!

  17. We have such a wonderful family! I love this tiny treasure you were luck enough to found :)
    All the best to you and loved ones.


Thank you.