Sunday 11 December 2011


Our word for inspiration at Take a Word this week is JOY and that reminded me to tell you about what happened on Thursday morning.  There I was decorating the Christmas tree, when I spied a little spot of red way across the garden in the snow.  As I watched, the spot became a man with a white beard and red suit, and I realised it was Father Christmas himself. 

Was he lost, I wondered, or worse still forgotten the date?  But no.  He said as he was in the neighbourhood thought he'd just pop in to pick up my Christmas list.  Wow, now how is that for service?

Credit to Marmalade Moon for the background, Kubivet for the the trees and Crowabout Studio B for the 'Christmas Joy' and Santa Claus.

Thank you for looking.


  1. What a lovely piece of joyful Christmas art, Ann! Santa picking up your list? Wow!

  2. Oh Ann, what a marvelous story, and what a joyfully marvelous piece! Happy Christmas!

  3. What a cute Christmas card Ann so fun and whymsical...I love it!!!

  4. Guess what, Ann, that same has been to my place, too, so I took a photo of him with my Christmas tree and I'll show you on Wednesday! He-he!
    Beautiful piece, but makes me shiver with all that snow or is it the temperature here today!

  5. My family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but it is a very cute picture! I love the blues.

  6. this is the COOOOLEST ever!! i hope he will make all your wishes come true:)

  7. Your blue Christmas tree looks wonderful and your Santa makes me smile.

  8. I love your story and the pic is gorgeous Ann. Wonderful piece.xx

  9. Your story is wonderful & your work is just magic!
    I love your santa very much!

  10. Hee Hee, this made me smile this dark morning! So bright and Cheery!

  11. Delightful entry, Ann, and so beautifully done. So glad you are still on the "good" list!

  12. WOW this is gorgeous Ann.Love it soooo much. Really delightful Christmas.
    Lovely greet Marja


Thank you.