Tuesday 2 August 2011


This week it's Marie's turn to host at the Three Muses and she has chosen ANGELIC as her theme.

I would like to say this is my interpretation but in reality my Muse made me do it!

Credit to Holliewood Designs, Finecrafted Designs, Take a Break whilst the reclining man is from the Public Domain.

Thank you for looking.


  1. I have the feeling we will see some spectaculair entries this week Ann. Don't you ?
    Your collage tels a fascinating story and I love the feeling of it ! The mix of black & white with the elements of Finecrafted designs.
    The clock ticking.
    Brilliant !!

  2. ...and this statue stands amongst my petunias in my garden, says Ann! So who's the man then? Definitely one of my favourites of yours - again - sheer brilliance! Love the mixture of colour & B&W too!

  3. Oh, your muse rules, Ann! Extraordinary piece.

  4. I'm a wee bit concerned about the safety of your nearest and dearest! This is a powerful piece and tantalising piece. We are all wondering where it comes from and you are blaming your Muse so I guess we will never know. Great work.

  5. Either she struck him dead or she's come to save him. Ahhhhh, the mystery of it all. We'll have to ask your Muse, since you had nothing to do with this .... if we're to believe you, that is! Unique and creative, Ann!

  6. I wonder where your Muse gets these ideas from?
    Wish I had a Muse like that!!
    Absolutely brilliant Ann.xx

  7. Hope this goes through, having trouble signing in for some reason.
    I think your muse is an extraordinary one and this is one sexy angel and thought provoking piece! Love it Taluula!

  8. you always come up with the most wonderful digitals! bravo!!

  9. You have a fantabulous muse! This is so striking!

  10. I wish I had a muse...dang it Ann everytime I get my swap choices narrowed down to two you go and create some fantastic thing I just can't live without. This is so wonderfully beautifully amazing...I love it!!! It's going on my list!!!

  11. WOW, this is just Awesome!!! Love everything about it!!! Standing ovations from my corner :)
    hugs and applause,

  12. Wow Amazing your muse has sure been working over time xxx

  13. Wonderful. This is the second entry I've seen that had a clock or something that reminded me of "time passes". Interesting.


  14. I love this eerie piece, Ann! What ever you did to that angel image was spectacular--and perfect!
    Hat's off!!!

  15. I think she's looking at his rear end. What kind of an angel is she?! Wonderful work.


Thank you.