Sunday 5 June 2011


This week we have STARS as our word for inspiration and that reminded me of the little girl who found a golden star as she played by the sea.  Delighted she picked it up, but no sooner had she taken hold of the long silken thread attached to the star,  than she found her feet had left the sand and she was floating higher and higher towards the clouds.  Her careless nanny, who had been reading a magazine when she should have been taking care of her, could only look on as the little girl floated still higher until finally she disappeared from sight.  That was the very last that was ever seen of the little girl ..... but I would like to think she had some very interesting adventures as she traveled the world!

Credit to Holliewood Studios at Deviantscrap.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Adorable, delightful and beautifully done!

  2. Oh, I love this so much! Simple, charming, beautifully done.

  3. Wow, what a fantastic piece, Ann, love the eye & the magical effects - now to finish the story!!

  4. What a lovely story, and you've illustrated your thoughts brilliantly, Ann! When the stars start to shine tonight, you can be sure that I'll be looking at the heavens trying to see a long, silken string attached to a little girl!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  5. Oh Ann this is just wonderful!!
    I love it and the watching eye is a brilliant addition!!

    Jayne :-)

  6. I think this is wonderful Ann! The eye in the sand (all that remains of the daft nanny???) is brilliant! Charming piece and I bet your grandchildren will love it!

  7. Simply beautiful, Ann, and what a great story, I love Rosie's comment (wanting to know if the eye is all that remains of the inattentive Nanny!!). Great artwork.

  8. it's beautiful Ann, love the softness!!

  9. I am so loving this piece. And while I have been unable to participate - I hope in the fall to actively rejoin this wonderful place. I LOVE the story that goes with it. xo teri

  10. Just gorgeous Ann. As soon as it opened I started singing..'Someday I'll fly away..leave my cares behind...'
    But your story is wonderful. I'm still smiling..
    Hugs June xx

  11. Fabulous story and exquisite imagery. One of your finest Ann!

  12. Beautiful and charming, but the Nanny is a bit scary!!!

  13. Beautifully done, Ann! Love the story too :)

  14. Wow, great story and artwork to go with it Ann!


Thank you.