Sunday 12 June 2011


This week at Take a Word we have INSECTS as our word for inspiration.  Now under normal circumstances I'm not that keen on creepy crawlies, unless they are butterflies, and even then I don't really want them landing on me.  Nope!  But when I saw our inspirational word for this week it got me thinking about all those little busy insects going about their business mostly unseen by someone as tall as me ..... well I say tall, though it depends if being a straight 5 feet can be seen as tall at all ..... except to  those little insects I am talking about.  So I got down flat in the grass to take a closer look, and what do you know,  some of those little peeps are so colourful, even beautiful .... in an insect kind of way, and do you know what else .......... I swear I saw one or two sporting steampunkerie in their livery!  Mmmmmmm .... it's another world down there.

Credit to Finecrafted Designs for the beetle and the hat, whilst the rest is courtesy of DeviantScrap.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Love to see what you come up with, always a pleasure and always a smile!!!

  2. I thought that dragonfly was a scropion with his tail unfurled! Thanks, Ana, for straightening me out! This is delightfully quirky, Ann -- but then we don't expect any less from you. We always find something well done and totally off-the-wall here! Bravo

  3. again such an original and unique collage! your style is such a pleasure to see!

  4. A wonderful collage yet again Ann. I just don't know how you come up with such fantastic ideas.
    Great work.xx

  5. I'm down on my knees with you, Ann, and the view is splendid indeed!

  6. It is indeed another world and so is your art surreal and gorgeous. Bugs are wonderful colors and shapes but I am eternally glad that they are tiny because frankly...they creep me out!!!

  7. such an interesting piece of art...totally awesome and so unique. Love it.

  8. Super clever, Ann. A little surreal but beautiful in its own way.

  9. Steampunk insects are much more sophisticated, but creepier because they are indestructible! Great job as always.

  10. great take on the Theme, Ann. Love the bug's eye view.

  11. Dynamite art, Ann! You are always so creative, your art is a visual treat!

  12. Your crawling creatures definitely look more fun than most!

  13. It must be your sizzling hot summer. Those insects look very languid and pleased with themselves. Whimsical, funny, beautiful, perfect.

  14. Ewww, you used some really creepy crawly ones in this, Ann!


Thank you.