Sunday 28 November 2010


It's week five of Marie's new challenge TAKE A WORD and her word for this week is HOME.

That got me thinking about our weather here in the UK :  freezing and icy with that unmistakable silence created by fat meandering snowflakes covering our world in a fresh white snowy blanket.  Here is my HOME where the girl looks out on just such a snowy landscape.

I confess to adding the hand and the balloon but the mitigating circumstances are that my Muse made me do it!

Credit to CAJoline for the girl, the drapes and the landscape, Irene Alexeeva for the banister and NumbBum for the window frame and the balloon.  The hand and floor are my own.

Thank you for looking.


  1. I don't care if I did have on my best white dress and my straw hat, I'd not be going out as long as that hand was there!! Your mind is SO darned quirky, Ann. This is beautiful quirkiness! Well done.

  2. Fascinating. I am imagining a story.....with a "Dali" influence1
    your skill of digital is enviable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love the symbolism of the icey silver hand at the window. You did a beautiful job with this digital.

  4. This looked a lovely scene and then I saw that spooky hand!! I do like the balloon though. Great piece, Ann. You have a wonderful muse!

  5. This is definately wintery and icy. I sort of feel like she just killed her husband and is watching him sink. Oooh, I gotta stop watching so many crime shows! (ps. I have never been on anyone's sidebar and thank you so much for my little blog being on yours. It means so much!)

  6. This is funny and beautiful Ann...I think you have what we call cabin fever...too much white for too long...I know the feeling. Awesome job!

  7. I have to say that it looks just as cold on the inside as on the outside!! What a whimsical and quirky look at the weather. I think the poor young woman could do with some central heating!! I love everything about this, especially the touch of the ominous metal hand. Fantastic.

  8. Another great piece... how I love Mondays to see just what is created!!

  9. Your winter has come early, Ann here we are basking in heat that we normally experience after Christmas!! Love your take on home, that hand is a worry, best she sits where she is - scary thoughts are going through my mind!!

  10. Wow this is brilliant.
    Wonderful white scene and the red ballon pop out. Perfect Ann.

  11. great scene - and i think the hand and the balloon are wonderful additions, your muse was right;)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Très beau collage ! Très élégant !... Un peu glacé peut être ? mais très réussi !
    Amicalement Mary.KG

  14. So beautiful, Ann! Love the window frame, floor, lady and scenry that just about covers everything!

  15. Hmm, such a weather (it's like that here, too) makes one see odd thigs outside... Ann, your surreal touch has made this scene still more interesting - great work!

  16. Anne, you are so warped! A beautiful scene and then you go all "Dali"! LOVE it!

  17. Beautiful and surreal. I love it!

  18. Such a fantastic piece of art, love the hand.

  19. What a beautiful fantasy you've created, Ann! And of course, it needed that pop of color and the hand!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  20. Hi, all day I've tried to read your blog and comments, but texts has disappeared, only images today... I love your oniric interpretation of the theme.

  21. A beautiful and surreal image. Love the feel of this piece!

  22. I love your muse. But if I lived in that house, I'm afraid I'd never sleep again!

  23. Guess your hand says get me out of here, and your balloon says let's fly to warmer climes...rofl. Great image, very thought provoking.

  24. VERY VERY cool - the hand coming out of the ground is so imaginative!


Thank you.