Tuesday 28 September 2010


Bev has chosen the theme of Victorian for this week's challenge at the Three Muses.

Victorian ........ mmmmm .... should I give Queen Victoria a steampunk makeover or may be I should do something with Victorian fashion!   Finally, however, I  settled on the great Victorian Gothic Novel, and what better one than Wuthering Heights by our very own Yorkshire lass Emily Bronte.

A couple of weeks ago I visited Haworth and the Parsonage where the Bronte sisters lived with their father Patrick and brother Branwell.

Emily, writing under the pseudonym of Ellis Bell, wrote Wuthering Heights from there, and just behind the church where her father Patrick was vicar is Haworth Moor and the scene where in Emily's imagination the drama unfolds between Heathcliff and Cathy.  Mmmmmmm ...... one of my very most favourite novels EVER.

Thanks Bev for the inspiration.

Thank you for looking.


  1. ....and thank you, Ann, for bringing the era to life once again, and for sharing your wonderful photos! This is very special.

  2. Very cool! Your pics remind me of my trip to Europe, thanks for the wonderful flashback. :-)

  3. Wow, Ann, you have blown me away with this stupendous collage made mostly from your own photos. I love the way you have worked the "wordy" plaques into the mix. Absolutely first class!!

  4. I clicked to see the details! You did a masterful job of incorporating bits and pieces together , perfect collage. Actually would make a great book cover!!!
    Stunning art work!!!

  5. What an awesome piece, Ann!! Gosh, how brilliant! Thanks for the tour! Wish I was there!

  6. wow miss ann, this is AMAZING! I can't believe how many different images you blended together to create this beautiful piece of art. Truly stunning!

  7. Marie has said what I was going to say - you've blown me away too with your outstanding Victoriana, Ann, what a brilliant collage!!

  8. Absolutely btilliant Ann! I'm speechless. xx

  9. Your collage is incredible. The details are very impressive. Love it!!!

  10. Wow, this is some really really good stuff, Ann!

  11. Ann ~ This is unique and brilliant...what a wonderful creation...a big standing O from me.

  12. Gorgeous, ann. I love the beautiful pix you used to make it.

  13. Fantastic piece of art Ann!!,love the pics too!

  14. What a great idea to take this novel as the theme of your piece! You have built a real mind-map of "Wuthering Heights" in your collage - fantastic!

  15. A great collage - it looks very modern despite its reference to the time period. A brilliant entry!

  16. The story of the Brontes is so tragic. Did you know that Charlotte died of morning sickness? Poor woman! Lovely piece. I prefer Jane Eyre over Wuthering Heights - I think Mr Rochester was possibly a better bet than Heathcliffe!

  17. wow what beautiful blending , what a great combination of elements taht mean something to you

  18. An amazing collage, Ann. You have surpassed yourself!

  19. I agree with everyone- this really is amazing. It has something different and special.

  20. This was so extraordinary Ann... love the way you've manipulated words and images - masterly!

    Sorry I didn't get to comment on the challenge blog, but Blogger was having a hissy fit at the time... >.<

  21. I absolutely love this! Wuthering Heights is my favourite book of all time, and I'm so glad that you've shared this. :)

  22. Of course...The Brontes! So very Victorian. Your collage is one of my favourites.

  23. I love these wonderful old buildings and your Victorian collage is wonderful.


Thank you.