Tuesday 14 September 2010


I came across a free newspaper last week called the Positive News.  How nice to find a newspaper chock full of positive news ....... I just couldn't resist a browse ...... and my goodness I was rewarded with all kinds of interesting and positive news. 

One article in particular caught my eye entitled Give Us More Sunshine!    Mmmmm .... there is no doubt we Brits at least have had a paucity of said Sun this Summer so the article had to become my  PRINTED WORD for the Three Muses this week.

After clipping and scanning  the news article into Photoshop,  I persuaded  my long suffering  grand daughter to pose with scissors  so I could 'clip' the headline, then to achieve some softness I added one of my own flower textures. 

Thanks for looking.


  1. Ha HA Ann brilliant!! How true is that after this year's dismal summer!!
    Love your new blog decor too!!

    Jayne :-)

  2. That headline applies to NZ too, rain, rain & more rain for days! Love your style here, Ann, once again an outstanding work of art!

  3. This is fantastic Ann and how brilliant to find a newspaper spreading the good news. You have to search high and low in ours to find the tiny articles! Love your artistic expression in this and a wonderful creative theme this week!

  4. Your "good news" and fun creation filled my day with a bit of sunshine and happiness too, Ann! Your entries are always so creative! Bravo!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  5. What a great sample for the challenge, Ann!

  6. This is so great Ann! Brilliant idea and beautifully made as usual!
    Hugs xx

  7. Ann, I love your idea of reading good news, and your "Give us more sunshine" piece fits so well this morning, which is very chill and rainy here in Finland. Thank you for a great challenge theme!

  8. You are right, it is a self-portrait, pencil sketch I did about 8 years ago during an art lesson at the school where I worked, It wasn't supposed to be me creating art but my student!!!

  9. How fabulous! Where did you find this newspaper?! There definitely needs to be more Positive News in this world .. as well as more sunshine! Love the piece you've created, and that flower background is gorgeous!

  10. I would definately pick up a newspaper full of positive news! I love this piece and I think your grand daughter is a very good hand model :)

    ps thank you for your lovely comment!

  11. Well, yes, that summer was typically British!! More sunshine - yes please we say! Yes please! A very entertaining piece, you must thank you grand daughter for us!!

  12. your sample is fantastic and i so can relate... we really had an aweful summer, the wettest august since weather is recorded... but your piece even makes me smile about that:)

  13. Wonderful Ann, yes, positive newspapers, that's what we need and more sunshine indeed. Love your grand daughters hand as the central iamage, - the whole piece is so very clever!

  14. What a fab piece, Ann, and your grand daughter has now had a little glimpse of fame! Such a great idea, and thankfully the sun is shining in London at the mo!

  15. Oh yes, more sunshine please... Fantastic take on this theme, here in Germany it's still raining :(

  16. Very true! Love your piece Ann... and I can't believe there's a newspaper called the Positive News! How cool is that?! =)


Thank you.