Friday 12 March 2010

Three Muses Challenge 41 - Newspaper

Great theme this week Bev, and I know I haven't done it justice, (jet lag and all that) but here is my 'newspaper' man anyway!

Credit to Efie for the background and to the unknown artist who created the man I spied in a shop window and photographed knowing I would use him sometime soon.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Welcome home, Ann! This newspaper man is fantastic!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. How cool is this? Great photo - cheers!

  3. This is an amazing paper sculpture Ann!

  4. Good to have you back Ann!Great man!!

  5. I'm amazed you aren't still abed catching up on sleep! Glad you're home, and I imagine you're feeling as patched-up as your newspaper man. He's pretty darned cool, though!

  6. Welcome back, Ann. I hope you are over your jet lag and I am so impressed that you actually felt awake enough to create a beautiful piece for the challenge. Wonderful work. I love your quirky and whimsical paper man.

  7. Love your newspaper man, Ann! Hope all is well with you!

  8. Oh that is a fantastic example of a good use of newspaper! I think you have done it more than justice ~ kudos for you Taluula! Blessings!

  9. Nice to have you back, Ann! The newspaper man is one more great example of the limitless possibilities of artistic creativity. - Hope you'll soon get over your jet lag!

  10. WOW what a great unique creation! Thank you for sharing.
    Hugs Anja

  11. Welcome back, Ann! How was New Zealand? That sounds like such an adventure.

  12. Are you kidding???? He is awesome, Ann!


Thank you.