Friday 19 March 2010

Collage Play With Crowabout - Week 70

I thought it was time I visited Nancy at Collage Play with Crowabout and this is what I produced from the elements for week 70.

Credit to Nancy Baumiller for the collage sheet.

Thanks for looking.


  1. I love this Ann,love the split bulb!!
    I haven't done one of these challenges in like forever lol,just never have the time to fit them all in.

    Jayne x

  2. This is wonderful Ann- I love the use of fractured elements and wonderful design! Toingehanks for your lovely comment on my blog!

  3. I've been missing your puckish humor at Crowabout, Ann. Good to see you back...and in such fine form. The split bulb is sheet genius!

  4. Fantastic, Ann. I would call this picture "An Explosion of Ideas"! Very creative and quirky and great artwork.

  5. what a fascinating little much going on, very creative!


Thank you.