Saturday 6 February 2010

Taluula's Travels Around New Zealand

Ah ah, I didn't realise I'd actually managed to post the last time so I've started again.......

On a snow laden sub zero morning in mid January in the UK, Taluula, hubby Mr T and Taluula’s old Mum Joan, set off for a little adventure 12,000 miles away in New Zealand.

Joan destined for a few weeks stay with one of her other favourite daughters in Wellington, whilst Taluula and Mr T gad off in a teeny weeny little campervan, to tour first the South Island and later the North.

Starting in Christchurch our route, with more Oooohs, Aaahs and Oh Wows than Taluula could count, will end in Picton where we’ll board the ferry to the North.

Our travels around the South Island have taken us through such diverse and wondrous scenery : vast and magnificent mountain ranges, teeming rain forests, beautiful blue lakes, majestic glaciers, powerful waterfalls, sparkling clear glacial rivers and vast expanses of deserted white sand beaches. Aaaah!

And of course, along the way Miss Taluula has made a photographic record to share with you. So without further ado and in no particular order, for your delight and delectation, or for something to do whilst you drink your coffee here are a few to be going along with.

These are Lake Wanaka (I would live there). The Roaring Swine waterfall. Franz Josep Glacier (the second picture, if you look very closely has a group of people near to the entrance to the cave mouth - shows the scale of the Glacier). Lake Te Anau in the late afternoon.


  1. Stunninjg photos! Actually the scenery feels like home, very similar to the Norwegian mountains & fjords :)

  2. Ohhhhhhh . . . how gorgeous!!! My morning coffee time was delightful thank to your fab pictures! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. Thanks for the photos, I love seeing vacation pics, takes me to some wonderful places!

  4. What gorgeous photos. Hope you're having a wonderful time.

  5. Phantastic Photos, Ann. You are making all your deprived blog friends think that they are ALMOST there! (But not quite).


Thank you.