Sunday 3 January 2010

January Journal - Digital Art Quirks

A new year and a new journal challenge at Digital Art Quirks, where Kim is hosting January's theme of a gift you would give yourself.

I have chosen to Seize the Day with my Carpe Diem journal page.

Credit to Dover free to use, CraftersCorner and CAJ Designs. The quotes are attributed to, in the order they have been used : Chinese proverb, Elbert Hubbard and Goethe.

Font used is : KleinSlabSerif.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Oh Ann what a wonderful feeling on this piece. Absolutely perfect. Love them.

  2. Hi Ann!
    I just love this!!! What a great theme and I love your interpretation. Your quotes really hit home here and I love how you share all your sources, even for your fonts! Very generous as that is time consuming. THanks and glad we've connected. :) Betzie

  3. Outstanding card, Ann, love the look on her face matches the words! Patient s-l-o-w-l-y improving!

  4. Words of wisdom, Ann! Life's a beach! Love it! Hugs, Terri xoxo


Thank you.