Tuesday 24 November 2009

Three Muses Challenge 26 - Time

This week it's Marie's turn to host the challenge at the Three Muses and she has chosen TIME as her theme.

Here is what my muse chose to have me do, and I'm not sure what it means. Is it the beginning of time, or birth or rebirth? Well I don't know either but I really enjoyed creating it. So thanks Marie.

Credit also goes to Irene Alexeeva and the very generous Efie who offers daily freebies on her blog.

Thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. The clock !! What a find.
    Amazing Ann and so surreal !
    That style masters you well !
    And Yes...what a brilliant theme this week hey ?

  2. This is unique and creative, Ann. I keep wanting to go back and have another look! Well done.

  3. So much to see and ponder on Ann! A wondrous look at time in the surreal!

  4. I have to agree with Rian, Ann - you ARE a master of the surreal, and the style suits you SO well! So creative! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. this is so surreal and the colours are wonderful....What a great piece!!!

  6. Absolutely stunning, Ann! Every new day is a (re)birth of time???

  7. Very interesting! I like pieces that make you think, and the way my life is right now, my interpretation is that it's time to take a break! Great work, Ann! ~Lori

  8. oooh, didn't notice the baby feet until I enlarged. Very surreal piece, love it!

  9. I love it..reminds me of Dali..very imaginative!!

  10. Wow Ann this is stunning.
    Unbelievable design. Love them.

  11. A touch of Salvador Dali there, Ann, brilliant surreal piece - you do them so well!

  12. plenty of possibilities to think about these symbols! wonderful digital creation!

  13. A touch of the Salvador Dali here I think Ann! Fabulous work !!

  14. Wow, what a fun and surreal take on the theme!! love your choice of elements and your composition Ann!!


  15. Wow!! I love this! I keep enlarging it and going back to it. I really like the older couple in the background. Wonderful surreal work Ann. Love, Jamie

  16. I really like the idea of rebirth with the clock opening up to free the movement that is trapped within. Very thoughtful and interesting and seriously great surreal.
    Great work, Ann.

  17. Great piece, Ann - your surreal world gives possibilities for so many interpretations, and inventing interpretations is so much fun! There's a fantastic feeling of space and air in your work!

  18. Ann, this has a surreal look to it. I thought of Dali when I saw the clock face was bent. It is beautifully made.

  19. Now I love a piece that just invites one to study it and drink in all of its interesting and symbolic details. I think it's marvelous that you let your muse loose to do what he/she will.

  20. Brilliant use of surreal imagery Ann! I love the concept (conscious, or otherwise), of the chicken and egg or clock and egg... it's like time being born, as you say. A very thought-provoking piece of art!

  21. Wow, this is amazing! Very surreal. it has a touch of the Magritte about it.

  22. That is a surrealistic masterpiece. It reminds me of Dali.
    Do you have ever been in his crazy museum in Figueras?

  23. Its mentioned above and yes , this gorgeous works reminds me of Dali! I love it!!

  24. I can see that you lean toward the surreal. Here's the link
    to the quote generator. When I went back I saw it was a random surrealist COMPLIMENT generator...much better.

    www.madsci.org/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~lynn/jardin/S CG

  25. Hi Ann, this is wonderful. For me this remains that the sun will rise and set, and our lifes goes on,what ever happens... great work.

  26. This is great Ann! I like your surreal artwork.


Thank you.