Tuesday 17 November 2009

Three Muses Challenge 25 - Keys

This week Bev has challenged us to use a KEY in our artistic endeavours. I thought I would try a little steam punk for this theme, and where else to place the key, but the balloon!

Thanks for another inspired challenge Bev.

Credit to Efie, Granny Art and Honey Designs.

Thank you so much for stopping by.


  1. Weird Ann. It seems that you've succeeded to upload while it's impossible for me, Marie and TTM-site at this moment.
    Pffff...BLOGGER !!!!
    That key in the balloon !! What a eye-catching idea !!
    Love the looks of the Victorian guy but thoose (side-)whiskers !!

  2. Yes, the Blog has been behaving in mysterious ways today but seems to be back to normal.
    Fantastic take on the challenge, Ann. I love your surreal take which is also whimsical and thought provoking (I am worried about what is going to happen when the key is inserted in the balloon!!). Great work.

  3. Of course, THAT's where the key would be found! Fantastic interpretation, Ann! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. What surreal fun, Ann! I love the guy in the top hat, and the keys in the balloon are a great touch. Kudos to you!

  5. So now we have a clockwork balloon to go with my clockwork men - I wonder what happens when you wind it up?! Fascinating art as always from you Ann - I love how it makes you wonder.

  6. How fun and surreal and brilliant!! Very creative Ann!!


  7. How incredibly gorgeous this one is, Ann! Great idea and fantastic design.

  8. Oh, how I WISH I had half your talent for creating surreal art, Ann. I've always loved images of hot air balloons,but you've made them even moreappealing with the wind-up key. Wonderful collage!

  9. Wonderful -highly creative piece Ann - love the concept and you rendered it beautifully!

  10. Oh so clever! Love just the thought of a key somehow being involved in the flying of a balloon. The gentleman looks quite pleased with the whole affair!

  11. You do surreal so well, Ann, waiting to see what happens when the key turns! Outstanding art again!

  12. I'm wondering if the balloon cranks like an engine when you turn the key? Great piece, Ann! ~Lori

  13. How creative! I love the key in the balloon. Simply adore the surrealism of this piece. Fantastic!

  14. oh, oh is it going to pop? love teh combination of the bright coloured balloon and the earnest man

  15. I haven't really got my head around steam punk, but this is great. It's such fun!

  16. This is very clever!!! and creative!!! wonderful work!!!

  17. I'm intrigued Ann,what happens when you turn the key in the balloon?
    Great piece!!

  18. I love hot air balloons! What a wonderful image....and such a clever use of keys in response to the challenge...lovely!

  19. This is SO cool, it looks absolutely fabulous and wonderful ! Me likey ;)


Thank you.