Thursday 1 October 2009

Gone Fishing - Be Back In Two Weeks

Gone fishing ...... be back in two weeks.

No, just kidding, not going fishing at all, but we are taking a couple of weeks' holiday to have some fun, soak up the sun, take in the culture and relax.

See you in a couple of weeks.

Take care.


  1. Oh, My! I just returned from my vacation and you're off to see the world! I KNOW you'll have a lot of fun! Relax and enjoy your getaway! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Bon voyage, my Brit friend. Have a wonderful time!

  3. We should be sending you a bon voyage card and here you are sending us one - and what a beauty it is!! I hope all goes well for you on your big trip. Come back safely.

  4. I want to hear lots of great fish stories when you get home!


Thank you.