Wednesday 16 September 2009

Collage Play with Crowabout - Week 52

My entry for Nancy Baumiller's Collage Play with Crowabout across at Flickr.

All parts are courtesy of Nancy.

Thanks for looking.


  1. I LOVE this! Great job you did on coloring those nutcrackery things (that's a technical term). I'm still working on mine... school is really eating up my play time :-(

  2. Wonderful collage! Interesting details.

  3. I am laughing at Tammara's "technical term" which I will have to remember for future use. NUTCRACKERY, indeed! Your collage is fantastic, Ann. As I have said many times before, I don't know how your mind works. I am just glad that it does!! You are the Queen of whimsical collage (among other things). Standing ovation from me,


Thank you.