Sunday 16 August 2009

So Artful Challenge

June gave us an old book cover to play with this week and here is what I came up with.

Book cover (altered) courtesy of June, butterfly, dragonfly, frog, glasses and eye, all courtesy of Efie at her blogspot.

Here is the original image.

Thanks for looking.


  1. wow - this is great! love the eye "peaking" through to see what is going on! well done!

  2. Hmmm . . . looks like someone has a special evening all planned! LOL Fun and sassy, Ann! Hugs, Terri

  3. Wow great work Ann, what an amazing take on the cover. I am off now to add it to soartful. thanks for joining in
    hugs June x

  4. Love your additions to the cover and the color changes you made - it comes alive!

  5. WOW. I'm impressed. I drew a blank on this one, and bypassed it, but you've stepped right up and made something beautiful! Kudos to you!

  6. I nearly missed this one! How scrumptious it is. I love the old cover look of it but with a bit of quirky surreal Ann touches thrown in. Fantastic work.


Thank you.