Tuesday 16 June 2009

Three Muses Challenge 2 - Doors

I hope this year will be a better Summer in the UK than the previous two where it has rained. However, as nothing can be guaranteed I've taken the liberty of building a garden shed where sun, sea, sand and lots of fun can be taken for granted. This is my Doors creation.

Credit to Sailor and Lula for the beach elements and Kubivet for the bathing beauties. The garden shed was cyber surfed.

Thanks for looking.


  1. What a lovely bright creation, do hope your Summer is as bright!

  2. Owww. So well done Ann !
    Shall we play together in that little sea garden ? LOL
    And raining in the UK last Summer ?
    I think that my husband and I had lots of luck when we visit London in august.

  3. Well, how very clever. If it's raining, just go through the door to the beach and sunshine!! Only you, Ann,--only you. I love it!

  4. You must be very friendly, Taluula! You are the first one to open your door, and what is on the other side is exciting! Gorgeous card!

  5. I'm SO there on the beach with your ladies! It's been raining here for weeks, and I'm longing for sunshine. Thanks for letting me enjoy a little peek of sunshine, Ann! Love this one! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. this is great! love the opened door!

  7. What a wonderful original idea. Love your door!

  8. I hope you can leave your umbrella at the door this summer! The beach idea is great! ~Lori

  9. So clever, what a wonderful door leading to sunshine forever. Love it!

  10. What a wonderful summer-creation, Ann. Great work.

  11. Oh! This is bright and vibrant and summery. No cloud would dare rain on such perfection! Maybe it will be your good luck piece for a perfect summer. It is perfect after all!

  12. Great creation. I think I'll join her in her beach house, nothing but rain here in Scotland...:o(

  13. Can you please build a shed like that in my garden! Wonderful idea. And great card!

  14. I like the way you think. Leave the rain outside the door. Ann, your picture is wonderful and so full of beautiful things. I love it!

  15. Oh, your garden shed is super! I could use one here in Finland, too, where this summer seems to be even colder than last year's...

  16. Now that's just fun!! Clever cxomposition, too!

    I have plans to paint my garden shed as a Beach Hut... cos I'll never get one in Bude - heehee!! =)

  17. I'd love one of those in my garden.. what a wonderful find Ann.

  18. Wonderful and creative idea! Love the saturated colors.

  19. Great idea for the theme, Ann! I chuckled, too.

  20. This is the kind of door I would like to step through and vacation on the other side! Especially as the highs here in Colorado Springs have been in the high 50s for several weeks! I am so ready for your scene! The images are charming and put together very well! Wonderful piece, Ann!

  21. What Fun!!! This is such an imagitive piece Ann! I love the thought of just stepping through and into another place entirely. Fantasic! Love, Jamie

  22. Brilliant Ann,I wish our shed was like that lol.

  23. oooh can i come to sit in your shed ? i'll bring my crafty gear and we can spend the summer sitting in the sun just making stuff and drinking cold drinks :D
    Very cool creation !

  24. Oh, this is lovely! Let the rain outside (or inside) ;-)) We have very wet and cold here (in Finland) too, so your image feels to me very hopeful! Thank you for sharing, I really love this!

  25. Wonderful piece! Hard to find, because you didn't leave a direct link at Three Muses, but I'm glad I persevered! Very creative interpretation!

  26. Very clever creation and it's always best to be prepared! We could use just such protection here in Virginia, we're having the wettest couple of months!!! Everything is growing in leaps and bounds!


Thank you.