Tuesday 2 June 2009

Quirkle 91 - Rainbow Music

Peppapig is hosting the Quirkle at Digital Art Quirks this week and she's challenged us to use : a chandelier, a musical instrument and a rainbow in our art this week.

I truly loved making this.

Credit to Irene Alexeeva for the elements and background and thank you to Jayne for the challenge.

Thank you for looking.


  1. It'd obvious how much you enjoyed this one Ann! love the new blog header too. Are those all your rellies?

  2. Took a quick look at Flickr, but had to stop by to tell you how much I like this one, Anne. It's a tad different than your usual style, but wonderful! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. You can't imagine how I have fun looking at your page!!! Great!!!


Thank you.