Wednesday 20 May 2009

Fun and Games

I did this for the Collage Play With Crowabout challenge. As usual Nancy provides a collage sheet and then we get creative.

Credit to Nancy Baumiller for the collage sheet.

Font : Justoldfashion.

Thanks for looking.


  1. It really is fun and games - I love it!
    Ali xx

  2. This is just as good on the second look as it was on the first! Great fun, and SO well done!

  3. this is very cool. I love your header. Mabel looks so lovely. :)

  4. I haven't seen this yet at Flickr but I will be visiting this gorgeous collage a second time. Great job on this week's elements, Ann. Your word art is so clever and the whole effect is delicious. Great work.


Thank you.