Tuesday 19 May 2009

Altered Self Portrait

I hosted the April ATC swap challenge at Digital Art Quirks last month and I challenged participants to produce an altered Self Portrait

This one is my contribution and believe me when I say that this is only the body of my dreams!

Credit to Liana's Paperdoll blog for the body, Effie's blog for the furniture, frame, bottle and picture, Madam Mim for the background. Oh and me.

Font : Palsu

Thank you for looking.


  1. Girl, you are "Stylin"!!! Love it and your sense of humor! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. You can park your bum at my tea table any time, Ann! I'd love to share ideas with you! This is such fun!

  3. Too funny! It's actually her face that looks big :)

  4. I'm smiling funny girl, thanks for that! Blessings from Amy

  5. I am so glad you are back, Ann. We miss your outrageous sense of fun and great art. This is wonderful. I love it!

  6. Ann, I have never seen this challenge before but I was just checking out your wonderful blog again. My, oh, my, wouldn't we all do that sort of makeover if we could? That is a fantastic piece. I love your smile.


Thank you.