Tuesday 3 March 2009

Collage Play with Crowabout - Tea Dance

Week 26 of Nancy Baumiller's Collage Play with Crowabout across at Flickr.

All elements are courtesy of Nancy.

Font : FG Vilma

Thank you for looking.


  1. Tea time, for sure. Must be the bird that's repeating itself! Great page, Ann.

  2. Awesome! This is just so darn whimsical and full of joy!

  3. I really like your style on this. I love the repeated words on the background. I also love the checkerboard borders.
    I also really love the beautiful bold colors!

  4. I saw this at the challenge site and it is even better on second viewing. So much work has gone in to it - and it works so well. Fantastic work, Ann. As always.


Thank you.