Friday 13 February 2009

Art on the Dark Side - Carousel

I once got on a carousel horse with my grand daughter, but had to swap places with hubby as I just couldn't do it!!! Aaaagh.

Credit to Takeabreak for the ladies and to Michael in Flagstaff for the carousel horse (both in the public domain).

Thank you for looking.


  1. Must have been a traumatic experience Ann! This image has a satisfying sinister edge to it.

  2. Very nice "Dark" image! I am not a fan of the ride myself. I don't think we were made to round and round and round.


  3. this is fantastic, what a brilliant atmosphere you create with this one. Great work and pretty spooky my friend
    thanks for sharing this and for entering the challenge
    Hugs June xxx

  4. Fantastic!! The colours are magnificent and, yes, the horsie does have a certain sinister air about him.

  5. This is fabulous, Ann..He is a spooky horse! I love carousels and riding them with my grandson as he gets such a kick out of I had a problem with the dark side..LOL.

  6. I'll never feel quite the same about carousel horses! This is a stroke of genius, Ann! You rock.


Thank you.