Thursday 15 January 2009

Theme Thursday - Couples

The theme this week is couples and I chose the show biz variety.

All images are courtesy of The Queen's Dresser Drawers a lovely website of copyright free images. You can find it at the bottom of my blog.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Thanks for the link, Ann. You are not only a genius but you are also a champion scrounger which is Ozspeak for being able to find treasures in unexpected places. I love your clown couple. Fantastic take on the challenge.

  2. Wonderful art and a great image, Ann. I am grateful for your link to free images. And thanks for the kind comment on my couples art.

  3. OMG , fantastic ! Love the image and all the details...!
    LG Anke

  4. Vunderbar, Ann! I novel at how you keep up these very original pieces -- and update your blog page almost daily! You're "sumthin", for sure!

  5. Wow...a night at the opera! Amazing! Thank for the link to the images!

  6. Wow this is fabulous.
    What a gorgeous couple. Love them.

  7. Absolutely great visual art - I love this piece... but your 3 old ladies having tea stole my heart!!


Thank you.