Monday 26 January 2009

Sunday Postcard Art - Cats

This is what came to mind when I saw this week's theme and is as near to a valentine page as I'm ever likely to get. {smile}

Romeo Cat is courtesy of Irene Alexeeva, whilst the other elements, including Miss Cat and Would-like-to-be Romeo Cat are courtesy of Rachness Designs.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Oh Taluula I love this.The images.colour..the whole layout..Perfecr!!!
    Glad you worked the bugs out.I'm a bit technically challenged..

  2. Did you post this late? I don't know how I missed it because I usually see your latest creation pop up on my blog. By the way, there is a post without picture called "Cattitude" but when I click on it an error notice appears.
    Getting back to your cats. They are fantastic. I agree with Virginia everything about your card is perfect.

  3. Oh, I love this! Gave me a big smile to start my day. What a wonderful card!

  4. Oh, what you've done with Irene's cat!! I love this, Ann. It's so typically you, and so typically clever!


Thank you.