Saturday 10 January 2009

A Moo Or Two - Winter Frost

The theme this week is Winter Frost, though making sure it didn't take a backward step into a Christmas scene was quite difficult.

Here in the UK we've been in the grip of a fierce deep freeze since Christmas Eve and this little Moo just says freezing weather to me and I hope it does for you.

Credit to the wonderful designers of the WaterLO Project.


  1. Taluula, this is really wonderful! I love the ice hanging from the skates..terrific!

    I use PSP for my digital work..could never quite get the hang of photoshop and envy all who can. I do love Illustrator, though I'm a beginner! :-)

    Thank you so much for your comments on my is appreciated!

  2. What a great Moo. The empty skates hanging in the tree tell me it is too cold for ANYTHING and the owner has gone home. What a pity we can't trade some of our weather conditions!!

  3. Fantastic moo, Taluula. The ice skates make such a statement. Very pretty.

  4. Wonderful Moo you have going there!

    Suzanne in CT

    America that is.

  5. I used to have skates like that, simply stunning!

  6. Fabulous moo! Wonderful idea

  7. This is lovely! I can feel the coldness when looking that moo :-)


Thank you.