Saturday 31 January 2009

Artarazzi - John Waterhouse

Vron across at Artarazzi Challenge blog gave us a John Waterhouse picture this week. Along with the picture she asked us to use a dash of orange.

This is my interpretation. (It does rain a lot here in the UK.)

I used the John Waterhouse picture which I altered, the orange flower and the background (much altered) are from the lovely designers at the WaterLO Project, and the rain drops are courtesy of Kubivet.

Thank you for looking.


  1. This is just gorgeous, Ann! I love the rain drops, and the flower is the perfect touch! I love it!

  2. this is so beautiful!! love the raindrops!!

  3. Ann, your rendition of Waterworth's woman in her filmy wrap is just gorgeous. The raindrops provide that extra oomph to an already wonderful artwork.

  4. It is hard to improve a Waterhouse, but you've done it very well. This is just gorgeous, Ann. I love the raindrop effect!

  5. Ann, this is scrumptiously beautiful. As Bev says, it takes a lot to improve a Waterhouse, but you have done it. I love the raindrops and the cloud in the background. Fantastic.

  6. The raindrops suit her well. Crying in the rain springs to mind.

  7. Beautiful beautiful - def my favourite. Great work


    Vron xx

  8. Beautiful... the 'rainy' idea is great.. love it :-)


Thank you.