Sunday 28 December 2008

Thank God It's Friday - Mabel Gets a Social Life

A new social life for Mabel was not necessarily a good thing.

The Charlie Chaplin suit was Googled. Everything else courtesy of Irene Alexeeva. Mabel, of course, is one of the family.

Font : Sans stone


  1. Is there no end to Mabel's antics? Now she is a cross-dresser and booze-artist!! Ann, you crack me up with your Mabel stories. I hope there is no sticky ending!! Long may she live. I love Mabel and I love your delicious artwork.

  2. Mabel is my type of gal...full of fun and mischief. She has a very large wardrobe I envy.

    I love your artwork!

  3. Wow this is fantastic.
    Gorgeous design. Love them.

    Thanks Taluula for playing the last challenge in this year on TGiF.

    I wish you all the best for 2009.

  4. This is a hoot, Ann! Your impish sense of humor just shines! Applause from my corner.


Thank you.