Tuesday 30 December 2008

Crazy Amigo - Splash

Here's my splash into 2009.

Wishing you all the very best of New Years.

Thank you for looking.


  1. Wonderful, bright and cheery! Happy New Year!

  2. Well, I just knew Mabel was going to make a splash at New Year! Ann, you are giving us so much enjoyment at the expense of Mabel and I hope she keeps up her hijinks in 2009. I think we have all grown in our "art" this past year, especially since joining Blogland. We learn so much from all our friends there. Fantastic splash!

  3. Wonderful and fun splash card! Happy New Year.

  4. Now THAT'S my kind of splash! I wanted to take a moment to tell you how mcuh your support has meant to me and how happy I am that I met you this year. I have something for you on my blog, if you'll sttop by and pick it up.


  5. What a great card ...with just the kind of art energy we need to bring in the New Year. Happy creating in 2009.

  6. Wow fantastic piece again. Love them.

    Happy New Year.

  7. What a wonderfully unique treatment of an old photo. Only you, Ann! Applause from over here!


Thank you.