Thursday 18 December 2008

Artarazzi - Challenge 2

An excerpt from Mitch Albom's book The Five People You Meet in Heaven inspired this piece for Vron's second Artarazzi challenge.

Credit also to Outsider Artists for the image of the girl (altered) and to Kubivet for the window frame.

Font used is Stone Sans Semilta.

Thank you for looking.


  1. very unusual and quirky - great job Ann - thanks for taking aprt.

    V xxxx

  2. I found this quite mesmerising. I really like your take on the challenge.

  3. A very thoughtful, deep and stunning take on the challenge. Great work, Ann!!

  4. Thought provoking, haunting and sad. Well done, but it leaves an ache in the heart.

  5. Very outstanding! The window and the image of the little girl...very haunting! I am with Ruth...aching heart.

  6. WOW! I haven't seen Vron's challenge yet, but this is a riveting piece. I'm off now, to see what it's about!

  7. It's me back again, after a second look and realizing it's for challenge 2, and zooming in and studying it more carefully. It's even more riveting! .... and poignantly sad. Beautiful piece of work, Ann.


Thank you.