Sunday 14 December 2008

Art on the Dark Side - Masks

Aah a lovely new challenge, a little bit on the dark side, with a theme of masks ..... Yaay I love it.

Well lookee here, I don't know where this came from but I did enjoy doing it. :O)

All images and bits of images (much altered) were Googled.


  1. Ohhhhweeee Taluula !!! Thanks so much for taking on the challenge and also for this shockingly, fabulous spooky mask image ... Love love love it !!! I am glad you had fun with it too :) I think its so delicious and fun to play with the darker side and cant wait to set you all a new challenge on wednesday. Ok off to add yours to my blog now
    Hugs June x

  2. Eeeyew! This character is slimy and very, very dark. His hands are wet!! Eeyew. What a fantastic take on the dark side challenge, Ann. You have excelled yourself. The colours, the look, the MOISTNESS, are fantastic.

  3. It is so frightening, but I keep looking.
    I found your blog through Ozstuff Online and I love what you're doing.

  4. WOW this is super - very very dark - great stuff


    Vron xxx

  5. So wonderfully dark! The hands really creep me out...LOL! So cool!


Thank you.