Friday 21 November 2008

Make A Moo Or Two - Pets

At Make a Moo Or Two this week the theme is pets.

This little girl was never allowed a pet but no matter her rocking horse was always her best friend.

The little girl is courtesy of Art E Zines. The rocking horse comes from a colouring book.

Font : Inkburrow


  1. You are so creative with the bits and pieces for your art, Ann. I love the face of this wee lass, and I'm sure her rocking horse kept all her secrets!

  2. What a precious little girl and a beautiful moo.

  3. So cute...great idea using a coloring book!

  4. Great idea for the theme and beautiful moo

  5. Great images on this Moo. Love the work on your blog.

  6. Gorgeous Moo, Ann! And the best thing about a rocking horse is that it doesn't leave calling cards!


Thank you.