Wednesday 5 November 2008

Arty Girlz Challenge - Hand Drawn

The theme at Arty Girlz this week is to add an hand drawn element.

As I'm not very competent at drawing with a mouse, my element is the arrow.

Credits : The eye, hair and Mona (altered) were Googled. The glasses and mouth (altered) are Stockxchnge. Clocks (altered) and arms and legs are courtesy of Kubivet.

Font : Hopscotch Plain.


  1. I love it. Reminds me of Monsters, Inc. lol

  2. This is a hoot, Ann! Your quirky little mind was hitting on all cylinders when you created this. I absolutely love it!

  3. This is delicious!! I agree with Carole. You should be designing for the big money animators!!
    Great picture. What an imagination you have. I bet all your neighbours think you are the archetypal Ms Prim!!

  4. oh this is so neat...I love it...wonderful and clever Idea!!

    Have a great day....

  5. I am with Maria, you should design...I love your imagination! You seem so free in your design! I still have walls.

  6. wonderful creation
    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge.

    crissi xx

  7. Bravo, c'est encore formidable...!
    Vous avez un style bien à vous et qui fait pensez à Dali, Marcel Duchamp...
    Un détournement de Joconde exceptionnel.
    à bientôt.

    Bravo is still formidable ...!
    You have a style for you and makes sure to Dali, Marcel Duchamp ...
    A diversion of exceptional Mona Lisa.
    see you.

  8. Fantastic ~ so unique

    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge

    Julie xx


Thank you.