Friday 24 October 2008

Arty Girlz Challenge

It's not always easy to find the exact colours you want to use on a layout and that's when a little bit of blending comes in very useful.

I used the paint bucket to make a soft blue background layer and stamped the 1920s ladies first in orange, then white and then brown, before a final stamp in orange to give them depth and to get a subdued shade. I did a similar thing with the star and star burst brushes.

The frame was gold but by duplicating the image using the Exclusion layer blend I made it blue. Likewise the wording was pink, but by adding a second layer and the Colour Burn layer blend, I managed a passable orange.

This was created for this week's Blue and Orange challenge across at Arty Girlz Challenge Blog.

Credit to JulieO for the frame and words, and 500ml and Seishido for the brushes.


  1. Love the colours and the ladies - great overall effect.

    Vron xx

  2. This is fantastic !!

    Thanks for joining in with this weeks Arty Girlz challenge

    Julie x

  3. You are getting to be so adept with Photoshop! I admire your adaptability, Ann. This is a great entry.

  4. Lovely!

    Ann, please look for an award for you on my Blog


  5. This is beautiful i love the subtle colours and the brighter blue on the fame.

    Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge.

    crissi xx

  6. Ann, I hope this helps! Can't wait to see who you choose!

    This is how I make my links:
    1) Type information regarding Award (copy my information and edit) Type their names and blog site. (I type mine first in word)
    2) Open 'create a new post' and paste text.
    3) Highlight name and click on the 2 rings(figure of 8 on its side - 3rd one from the left) button on the bar. Add, or paste, the http link you just copied for each name.
    4) Check each link to make sure they work.

    Add Award as a "picture" and title


Thank you.