Wednesday 29 October 2008

Thank God It's Friday - Halloween

This is for the Thank God It's Friday challenge where the subject is Halloween.

This week's host is Fatma, and my piece was inspired by looking at the fantastic Halloween pieces on her blog.

Credit to a very talented Kubivet for the background (altered), Google provided both the hooded cloak and the line drawing of Edvard Munch's The Scream (both altered).


  1. This is so spooky! Love the background!

  2. Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. It has been delightful to see all of YOUR artwork. You have a very imaginative mind and your artwork reflects this so beautifully.

  3. Great Halloween ATC, Ann! I love all the unique "Ann" touches. There is a lot to see and enjoy. Fantastic.

  4. Wow this is really great spooky card.
    Fantastic work. Brilliant.

    Thanks for joining TGiF this week.

  5. Great artwork! I like the background and it's colours and the image is really spooky! Fantastic!

  6. That Munch painting used to give me nightmares. :-) A deliciously scary piece, Ann.

  7. Spooky, creepy and very good! Fantastic!!

  8. This one is SO well done. I love the "scream face" in the hoodie! I do so enjoy your work, Ann!


Thank you.